The Last Week Of School Survival

Next week is our last week.
This calls for a special team meeting in which we come up with a survival plan.
Task Number 1
What Should We Teach This Week?
Let’s face
it. We’ve taught the standards. They are trained. Now what?!
Incorporate them into your end of year clean out and sort while allowing
them to practice their reading, math, and social skills!
This is our end of year game plan:
Task Number 2
We begin the reward recess club for the last week. We get approval to have an extra recess in the afternoons of the last week. Truly it is only 3 days Tuesday-Wednesday. We don’t do this on the very last day. Each child gets a reward recess card. Put these up on the cabinet and assign one student to manage it. Much like the ticket system, students get to earn 5 minute increments for being noticed for following directions. The manager will stamp each child’s card as I call out the good behavior. For example, Jack gets 5 minutes for staying quiet when his table is talking. (manager stamps 5 minutes on Jack’s card) I keep a tally paper so I can keep track as well. If I walk over and stand by the cabinet with the stamp in my hand the room falls silent. (I went ahead and put Monday through Friday on the cards, but for us we will only earn Tuesday-Thursday)
click to view
Task Number 3
Morning Work and Printables
What about those times of day when we need to stay busy for 15 minutes in between an end of year assembly or whole group lesson? What should we do for morning work on the last week?
Task Number 4
It’s like no other day of the school year. The room is packed up. How do we maintain classroom control and provide meaningful activities?
The Last Day
I host my annual Morning Game Show! (see each game in action here)
Minute To Win It (free)
Lunch- Pizza lunch in the classroom while we watch our yearly slideshow
Red Carpet Awards Ceremony!
Below you will find the awards I use for my class. The academic awards for used for the school assembly which is separate from the “fun” personality and candy awards we do in the room.
Click to view
Click to get your FREE CANDY AWARDS!
Happy End of Year! Hope it is the best yet!
Love all these ideas! The last week sounds like a total blast!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
This is so cute! Our last day is still 3 weeks away, but it is coming! 🙂 I am moving schools next year, and I love your keep them busy ideas while I get EVERYTHING packed! That is so perfect. I can't wait to keep reading all your ideas as I transition to 1st grade next year. Have a wonderful last week! 🙂
[email protected]
What an amazing week!!! I love all your ideas! Thank you for sharing them!
I still have 2 weeks left! I love your ideas to get packed up! 🙂
Crayons and Curls
Perfect timing! I have one more "normal" week and then will need ideas/activities for the last week! As always, a wonderful post with very helpful ideas! Thanks!
Yay! Yesterday was my last day, so I will have to remember the awards for next year! I just posted an end of the year activity linky if you want to link up 🙂
Teaching in the Tongass
Love all your ideas, especially the red carpet! It would be such fun to be in your classroom. I had my kiddos sort packages of construction paper yesterday and…wait for it….they thought it was a BLAST!! We are doing a camping unit next week! I'm excited!
For the Love of First Grade
I just adore your Red Carpet Awards!
How fun!
Happy almost summer break!
One of my friend used your candy awards last year and her kids LOVED them. BTW I was going around all day yesterday saying "it's Friday ~ HOLLA". Have a great end of the year.
✰ Stacy
Simpson Superstars
I so needed to read this. I am trying to plan my last two weeks and I needed just some fun relaxing things! Thanks for such great ideas!
Tonya’s Treats for Teachers
I love your minute to win it games! I was looking for something fun to do with my Kinders for our last day in between our awards assembly and our class party. This will be perfect! I can't wait to try them out.
Here's the Hoot
You have the neatest ideas! Thanks for sharing your last week of school plans. You show that you can still have tons of fun with your class and still remain sane!!
LOVE your red carpet awards ceremony!!
Rowdy in Room 300
Every year I love your red carpet awards! Woot woot for the end of the year survival guide! Hope you are having a relaxing weekend.
New Teaching Video Up: Memory Binders for the end of the year!
Sprinkle Teaching Magic Blog
how exciting that it's your last week!! Then you're free!!!! (planning any trips this summer to Disney again!? hehe!)
Thanks for sharing all these great ideas- love em!
You always have such awesome ideas Reagan! I love them all…and you too! =)
I hope I can see you again at a Texas Bloggy Meet-Up this summer.
Heather's Heart
Thanks for the candy awards. I just saw them for the first time recently and am in love! Great way to include every child!
Learning is for Superstars
Learning is for Superstars is on Facebook
We used the candy awards for our special needs children!! Thank you so much for those!
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