Any time you make a math classroom purchase, it gets added to your account. Go to “My Purchases” on your account page, and you will find your download links there.

Yes! Keep in mind that you may need to visit “My Purchases” in your TPT account to access the download, but resources should be available right away.

A lot of times this happens if you try to print a ZIP file. You have to uncompress it first (follow these instructions). If it’s a PDF file, you might need Adobe Acrobat Reader (don’t worry, it’s free!). If you need more support, take this link.

If images are not printing right, first make sure it looks good on the screen. If it looks fine and still prints wrong, update your Adobe Acrobat Reader. That should take care of it. If not, contact support for more help.

You have to unzip these files in order to use them. If you’re on Windows, right-click on the zipped folder or file (in your downloads) and choose “extract all.” You’ll see a prompt that lets you pick where the unzipped files will be saved on your computer. Open the new folder.

On a Mac, just double-click the file, and the computer will take care of the rest.

If our resources are named “editable” they will be made for you to edit, however, to follow the terms of use for the clipart in some of our resources, they can not be made editable. 

You may not put any of our materials online for the download or use of others. If you would like to share our free materials for a workshop, contact us, and we can provide the necessary permission for certain circumstances.

We are always open to suggestions. Whether or not we can take you up on any educational resource request depends on our availability, but please reach out and let us know how we can help!

Yes! Contact us directly, and we’ll work with you to make sure you have everything we offer to best fit instructional needs.

We do! Email us at [email protected] or use the contact form.

Yes! Email us at [email protected].

Read more about it here. Or, email [email protected] and talk to us directly!

If you want a deep dive into how we developed Guided Math and Total Math, please reach out! We’ll send you research and happily answer questions.

Each teacher should have their own TPT account to download resources. Even for free resources, we ask that you download everything from the official store rather than sharing.

Guided Math is a core curriculum designed to fill out a school year with math mini-lessons and teacher-led small group activities for the year. It includes strategies, resources, and guides to help you run your classroom. The Math STACK resource includes the Guided Math Bundle of lessons as well as workshop management tools, and student workstation bundles in one heavily discounted purchase. Total Math is a new K-2 comprehensive curriculum featuring all of the components of the math block. You can read more about it here.

Both Guided Math and Total Math can be used as a main curriculum or a supplemental curriculum. Both offer direct instruction and teacher-led learning. For more information on Guided Math click here For more information on our new K-2 curriculum, Total Math, click here.

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Meet Reagan & Kristina

Placed across the hall from each other in 2009, Reagan and Kristina found that their differences in both personality and teaching style were a perfect combination to sharpen and inspire growth through a lasting friendship inside and outside the classroom.

Fourteen years later, with hundreds of professional development sessions provided together and over 300,000 five-star reviews from educators, they continue to inspire colleagues around the country.


Guided Math