Teaching in November

The eleventh month of the year brings a cool calmness from the furry of October. With the cooler temps, we begin to take on some substantial learning objectives. Here’s a round-up of resources for Teaching in November in grades K-4.
Teaching In November
To make this post simple to navigate, I will organize the resources by subject and grade level. You can read all of the information or scroll to the headings that best fit your needs. First up, let’s get the room ready to ‘fall’ into November topics.
Vocabulary to Enhance Learning
Whether you like to add seasonal words to a writing center, focus wall, or objective board, we have got you covered! Below are three examples of how we provide a literacy-rich learning environment. Links to each resource are in bold text and provided. Below, these monthly seasonal holiday vocabulary cards are perfect for enriching student writing opportunities.
In the image below, I am sharing how I use literacy-specific vocabulary to focus learning for phonics, comprehension, reading skills, and literacy genres. These words all come from our literacy vocabulary cards.
Grammar is also a part of the literacy vocabulary set, as you can see below.
Literacy and Writing Warm-Ups
Providing warm-ups for each subject area was no small accomplishment and now that I have the entire year of warm-ups for all subject areas, I can rest in knowing that students will encounter exciting ways to think and reason through learning with classmates every day of the year! Below you can see how we warm up for learning in both ELA and writing subject blocks.
Literacy ELA Warm-Ups
No matter which grade level, a year of warm-ups is ready to go. Below is a mixture of literacy/ELA warm-ups for K-4. Typically, we do one slide per day. Students can use whiteboards, scratch paper, the screen, or just respond orally!
Writing Warm-Ups
Writing standards aren’t always easy to systematically practice and apply. With these short, focused writing warm-ups for K-2, the work is done for you. Students will interact with the standards in engaging short tasks that keep their skills sharp!
Guided Reading and Literacy Centers
In my fall resources post last month, I talked about the Lit Kit. Again, I want to share how much this resource helps keep our classroom fresh with new learning all through November! Below is an assortment of activities from the Lit Kit for grades K-4.
These simple but effective comprehension feathers help remind students to pause and think about the reading. Paired with the comprehension posters and skills, guided reading engagement stays high.
Workstations in November stay buzzing with productivity when The Lit Kit is out about the room!
Third and fourth grade Lit Kits put standards in the hands of students instantly. At the same time, teacher is equipped with teaching posters and powerful teaching tools to complement each standard.
Writing in November
Staying on top of writing during November is easy with writing mini-lessons ready to go! In November, we move from organization to voice in our writing. In all eight mini-lessons, we spend a few days exploring pre-writing, drafts, and editing to make a final piece. Timely topics keep students excited to put pencil to paper all month.
For our authors in grades 3-5, The Writing Toolkit is essential.
Science and Social Studies in November
It’s so fun to explore science and social studies topics during the month of November with these interactive keepsake books. Whether you go all out or just work through some of the activities in a journal, there’s so many skills and topics to make November memorable.
Election, Veterans Day, America
Math in November
Seasonal math centers or workstations are a staple in our classroom. While I will always be standards-based, I also strive to incorporate workstations that bring the season to life inside our classroom walls. Below are November resources for math.
Below are second grade examples from my Fall Math and Literacy Centers. I have them for grades K-2nd.
Teaching in November and still loving everything fall? Come see all about Fall Guided Reading and science ideas.