Our Bat Book Study

Our Stellaluna book study began this week. This is what is currently on our reader’s workshop board. So far we have introduced the requirements for the book study cover sheet, story setting, and character analysis.
Each day I go over the rubric and what the numbers mean. My students are all totally working hard to make a 4! It’s so exciting to see a fresh motivation come out of them! They are saving their work in their reader’s workshop folder until all 4 activities are complete. Once they are finished they will turn in their work for me to score.
They all do so well that it is such a positive experience for us all. In fact they get really upset if they are absent because they can see a missing number on their rubric.
I also feel like this is a great way to show parents that I am challenging their child in a fresh new way. They love seeing the writer’s workshop writing, but this provides a new challenge to their writing that keeps it fresh and motivating for the kids.
“She had to act like a bird.” “She found her mother and acted like a bat.”
We have been placing our bat knowledge on the bat scene that I quickly made. First they told me what they knew, but now they can wander over and add to it when they read or learn something new. We all decide if the fact should go on the board. I put a bird in a nest for our misconceptions, but so far we don’t have any to go up there.
At the end of the day today these two cuties discovered that I have multiple copies of the book and they were at the library workstation, so they set themselves up like this for me to take a picture. I fell for it hook line and sinker! SO CUTE!!!
More to come! If you want to check out the book study and all the extras that it comes with just click here.
Goodnight Friends!
Thanks for posting pictures. I love the two kids reading…that is super cute.
✰ Stacy
Simpson Superstars
I LOVE Stellaluna! Thanks for the great post! 🙂
I absolutely LOVE your "when" "where" page!!! Brilliant! 🙂
Beg, Borrow, Steal
Love the graphic organizers that you use for your book study.