Math Intervention and Enrichment

Math intervention and enrichment has taken on many faces and forms (see what I did there) in recent years. Some campuses have devoted specific time in the school day to intervention and enrichment while others work with pull out and push in options. Then there are some who just expect that it is happening within the regularly scheduled school day. The truth? Math intervention or enrichment doesn’t just happen. Even with the right scheduling and training on paperwork and requirements, there’s still a matter of what to actually do with students day in and day out.
Math Intervention and Enrichment
I speak from being in the same boat. This boat I seemed to always be paddling with only one oar as it was slowly taking in water and sinking beneath the surface of the water. I had no trouble identifying the students who needed support or enrichment. Scheduling the time was more difficult, but even that was a hurdle we were able to clear. The difficulty was in having progress monitoring materials and support lessons to use with these students consistently and thoroughly throughout the entire school year. The images in this post come from the measurement and geometry strands of the resource.
Passionate that every student is a mathematician–capable of loving and understanding the joy of solving, we put our time and energy into creating a solution. Math Intervention is an all-in-one program with both standards-aligned lessons and the progress monitoring tools to follow them up.
This math intervention and enrichment resource aligns Pre-K to 2nd grade standards in order to service a wide range of skill levels.
- Research and Rationale
- Labels for Organization
- Standards Alignment CCSS and TEKS
- Over 40 Lesson Probes with 350+ pages of lessons and materials
- Academic Vocabulary Visual Cards
- Word Stems for Math Talk
- Math Tools
- Progress Monitoring Tools
- Skills Assessments
Each set of mats provides numerous learning outcomes and activities. Therefore, Intervention Solution provides the targeted practice most curriculum programs are lacking. Make learning targeted, easy, and fun!
Intervention Solution works alongside any math adoption or curriculum. It provides the lessons, activities, tracking, and support for those students working at a different pace or level. This resource is laid out and organized for a busy primary teacher. There are visuals on how to organize, store, use, and report information included. Feeling unsure about knowing how to use an intervention program? We walk you through each step!
When you are ready to work with a student, simply pull up the included alignment guide and next to the standard he/she needs support with, you will find the lesson probes for targeted instruction. For example, students need many different formats and modalities to explore. Intervention Solution has that. Moreover, I need just as many extension activities as I do remediation. Intervention Solution has that covered.
The best part? No more searching for basic worksheets which make intervention time boring with a capital B. Students cheer when I pull out my Intervention Kit! This is a complete 180 from my frustrating experience in years past.
In fact, the intervention for geometry and measurement is packed full of lesson probes. Each lesson contains skill focus, instructions, math talk vocabulary, extensions and standards, and a variety of ranges plus any math mats and materials for the students to use. My favorite part? The visuals on each lesson probe show me a terrific way to set up the lesson probe for success.
To conclude, take a deep dive into the full resource and all that it includes. Continue reading about intervention resources with THIS post.
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