100 and 120 Days in School Celebration

The 100 and 120 days in school milestones allow students to reflect on learning numbers, words, and representations while practicing counting, reading, and writing. Our 100- and 120-days-in-school celebrations all fit inside a keepsake lapbook for students.

100 and 120 Days in School Celebration
Planning the 100th or 120th days in school can be simple, with a themed book of activities. Students spend the day counting, reading, and writing to the big milestone number. Everything fits inside their book, which they are creating throughout the day.

Two Books Included
- My 100/120 checklist group activities
- I can read 100/120 books group activity
- I can read 100/120 words (word lists included)
- I can tally to 100/120
- I can count by 10s to 100/120 (blank and with tracing numbers)
- I can count by 5s to 100/120 (blank and with tracing numbers)
- I can count by 2s to 100/120 (blank and with tracing numbers)
- I can count to 100/120 (blank and with tracing numbers)
- If I had 100/120 dollars
- If I had 100/120 teeth
- I can add to 100/120
- I can subtract to 100/120
- 100/120 crown headband

There are traceable templates to scaffold the activities for students who are still working up to the milestones.

100th, 101st, and 120th Days in School Teaching Slides
After celebrating the 100th day of school for 18 years, it was important for me to create the same interactive digital experience for students with interactive teaching slides. (We have 100th, 101st, and 120th digital days)
The digital slides bring our fun activities inside the booklet (plus more) to the big screen! Students can experience the 100th day in a more cohesive and focused experience. I am thrilled with how the digital 100th day works. The interactive books work well with the digital slides, and the entire day is planned. Whew!

We made these certificates for us… I mean the students for making it to the big milestone days and completing their activities.

Below, each resource is linked directly for you.

Digital ELA Warm-Ups
Here’s another post where you can see how we use digital teaching slides as our ELA warm-ups. Try these in K-4 for free!