Classroom Callbacks

Classroom callbacks are a technique that teachers use to get the students’ attention in a quick and fun way. This tool is helpful because it is an easy, fun way to grab attention without having to repeat yourself.Ā  In this post, we are sharing 20 free classroom callbacks.

1 2 3… EYES ON ME

Perhaps one of the oldest callbacks, but the first one I tried and instantly became hooked.Ā  We didn’t include 123…because chances are you have used it many times.Ā  I remember feeling silly when I first used a classroom callback, but the effortless student enthusiasm and attention made me crazy for callbacks.

classroom callbacks classroom callbacks


The procedure for any signal or callback is similar.Ā  First, the teacher introduces the signal or callback and explicitly models the expectation.Ā  Students practice the given expectation until the procedure is understood. The hardest part to me is being willing to pause long enough for every student to process the signal and give the correct response before I barge in with my explanation or lesson.Ā  For this reason, I began silently counting to 5 when I would give a callback or signal.Ā  The extra pause shows that you are waiting on students for an action or response.Ā  It puts pressure on students to produce the expected response without exhausting you in repeating yourself.Ā  Even after students call back to the signal it is okay to take a second or two before beginning to talk.Ā  This creates attention and power.Ā  Ā Repeating the callback too many times produces a less enthusiastic response.

callback cards

callback cards


Here are the free callback cards!Ā  We hope they help make it easy and fun to grab attention and direct learning.

callback cards freebie



If you want to continue reading about management, here’s a post on managing materials.managing math materials


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