Holidays Around the World Work

It’s been amazing to see how our study of Holidays Around the World has grown and matured through the years. It began as a cute way to learn about other countries and gain an understanding of the world. Now it is a true study and celebration of different cultures and customs. Along with that growth, our resources have become intentional and more accurate. Recently, we added a new resource to our repertoire called Holidays Around the World Work. Aligned and paired with our original Holidays Around the World resource, you will have 42 math and literacy connections with the countries you study!
Holidays Around the World Digital and Printable
First, we have our resource for studying holidays and Christmas customs around the world both digitally and in print for ease of teaching. All of the information and research have been done and paired with accurate and engaging pictures in all formats. Students can interact with the screen as they learn about each country and then create paper-based brochures as they fill their travel suitcases and passports. This exploration of up to 22 countries can be found here.
Holidays Around the World Work
As teachers during the holiday weeks, we know how much a good skill page is worth. Skill pages round out the festive fun by sharpening skills and calming the chaos. We really connected the countries to the activities for students. With our latest Holidays Around the World Work Skill Pages, students will notice significant customs even in skill pages! Whether you need a few moments to transition activities or you can use them for seatwork, homework, or sub days, these skill pages will come in clutch.
Bundle Up and Save
If you want to grab a discount, you can purchase both items and save 20%. This bundle can be found HERE.
More Festive Fun with The Gingerbread Man
Keep the learning engaging and standards-aligned with a cross-curricular gingerbread theme!
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