Classroom 2010- 2011

More Classroom Pictures!

This is the back right side of the room.  My books are leveled by genre on the back wall.  These are separate from the leveled libraries I have.  If you could see to the left you would see another short and tall bookshelf symmetrical to this side.  I keep the rest of the book boxes in my cupboard and rotate them out by month or units of study.


This is my word wall.  I liked it but the placement of it didn’t work for me so next year it is going to be in a new location.
This is a little better view of the book tubs and side of the book barn.  I call this the classroom library.  My “just right books” and other leveled take home books are in a separate area.  They are also labeled with a different system so they don’t get mixed up.
The back wall of my classroom.
This is showing the big book area.  I keep it in the classroom library.  Sometimes they sit in a chair with their big book or lay on the carpet underneath the easel but mostly they keep it on the easel.

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  1. Your room is FABULOUS and cozy. I love your lamps and bookshelves. I put lamps in my room as well and it makes the world of difference, doesn't it!
    So, where did you find plans for your barn bookshelf? Was it from Ana White? Just curious. I would love to make something like that :o)
    Your newest follower!

  2. oh! Thanks! I actually searched bookshelf on craigslist and this popped up! It was about a mile from my house. They said it was homemade but I don't have any plans to share. sorry! Thanks for all the warm fuzzy compliments!

  3. If it's not too much trouble, do you think you could take a tape measure (or your yardstick) to school the next time you go and measure your book barn? I'm trying to draw up plans to make one but I'm just guesstimating how tall, wide, deep, how many shelves, and how deep the shelves are. It would be a HUGE help if you wouldn't mind telling me what you can find out. I'm sure there'd be a lot of other happy people if you could let us know! My e-mail is Thank you so much!


  4. Yes!!! I will be happy to measure my book barn. The only problem is that we are not allowed into our building until August!!! As soon as I am let in, I will measure and email you. I will also post my measurements with pictures. I have gotten a lot of great feedback about the barn! Glad you like it.

  5. I'm a stay at home mother of two wonderful kids and I turned a wall in their play room into a farm theme. I fell in love with your book barn and would also love if you could give me the dimensions for it. I like displaying their books face out, but options are limiting. I thought of the whole rain gutter idea but we are renting so I cannot put screws in the walls. Could you please email me the book barn info? I would really appreciate it, I love the idea! My email is