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Math Rotation Slides and Schedules for Small Group Instruction

Creating math rotation slides and schedules for small group instruction can feel overwhelming at first, but soon, it begins to take shape, form, and function. This post shares ideas and inspiration to bring clarity to creating schedules for small group instruction.

Math Centers Rotation Schedule

Through the years, you’ve likely experimented with math workshop schedules as we have. One of the best and worst things about running a math workshop is the flexibility and choices that come along with it. It can be both wildly inspiring and overwhelmingly daunting to design a math station management plan. We are here to help!

Schedules, Timers, and Acronyms, Oh My!

Over the course of our teaching careers, we’ve implemented wall charts and math menus, timers and rotation slides, and digital choice boards to name a few. While all had their benefits, they all balanced different sets of challenges as well. You can find older wall charts and timer systems in this post we shared a few years ago if you are a fan of a full story glow up.

Tight and Loose Management Systems Explained

All of the acronyms, systems, pacings, and schedules for the math workshop boil down to two major management systems. One system is intentionally structured while the other is intentionally unstructured.

example math timer slides for rotations and choice
editable and customizable math timers

Self-Paced Math Schedule Examples

The self-paced management system provides a certain number of days and tasks but allows students to navigate the order and time spent completing the tasks within the days given. Students have a way of staying accountable for the tasks being completed either on a digital choice board, math menu, or through a simple moving of a clip to a bucket or bin for the youngest mathematicians.

Remember, less can be more. If you need just a few activities for the week, don’t feel any pressure to have more than one a day as you get this up and running.

Rotations and Rounds Math Schedule Examples

The math rotation system is a more structured approach to running elementary math centers. Here, students move through a predictable pattern or series of activities. In groups, students rotate through a carousel of math activities. The teacher-led small group can be one of the stops in the rotation, or it can be apart from the rotation. If separate from the rotations, the teacher calls students out of their center activities to meet for small group instruction.

Example Slides for Math Rotations and Small Group Instruction

Each year classroom dynamics play a big part in the design and management of math rotations and small group instruction. A balance of preference and necessity come together to form the right fit, pacing, and well-rounded math experience. Below we have some example slides and schedules.

cartoon laptops with different math workshop slides

Customizable Math Rotation Slides

In conclusion, to design your best math rotation schedule for small group instruction, you can find all of these math workstation timers (and more) below.

Deciding on a management system for the math workstations is just one piece of effective math instruction. To learn more about the total math block, click here.

Scheduling out all the components of an effective math block can be tricky. But we have dozens of way to do it. You’re bound to find one that works best for you, your classroom, and your students.

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